Seam ripping, cutting and pinning – oh my!

I’ve spent the last two nights doing this


to parts of this


(That’s a pile of 50+ year old ties for a special project.)

It’s taking longer than I thought it would and they’re less even than I thought/hoped they’d be, but it’s an important project for Sunday so I’m not going to give up.

Currently, seams are ripped. Tomorrow is ironing and piecing…

Then there’s this


My purple fabric project is coming along, I cut the seams, pattern and pieces them pinned it together. Before I sew it together I have to decide if it’ll have a drawstring or not. Details.

So this isn’t the post I wanted to write tonight, but it’s where I am. Crafting time can’t always be predicted…especially with new projects you’re figuring out as you go.

Open Eyes lead to crafty finds!

20130501_220437Super close up!

Isn’t it lovely?  Beautifully regal purple with silver stripes and an ivory with gold stripes. It was super inexpensive too. (Without ripping it all apart yet, I have about 2 and a half yards of usable knit fabric I think.)

I saw it peaking out of the rack at a store I popped into last weekend.What store? I’ll give you a hint, I needed crayons. Now, I didn’t expect to find inspiration for a summer skirt that day, but part of being creative and crafty is embracing the inspiration when it hits you.

Hit me, it did; embrace it, I shall!

But, just what was that store? It was K-Mart.

No joke.

It was a clearance rack of winter clothes and for $1.99 each (I found 2 3XLs and 1 XL) these turtlenecks will provide enough fabric for a skirt for me, leg warmers for one of my little friends (maybe two or a tunic dress) and possibly a lovie rattle or stuffed owl perhaps.

Not bad huh?

How is that going to work? Come back (or follow along on facebook) to find out. I don’ t know about you, but I’m pretty excited for my very own New Dress a Day like project. (And do I have MANY more if this goes well!)

What would you make with fabric like this?