2015 Challenge Accepted: #1 – A is for Apron

As part of 2015 I want to do more Pins and challenge myself a little more. I stumbled across this challenge from Pintrosity and got a little excited because it was perfect.

A is for…anything! Come up with a pin that has a project that starts with A (aquarium wall), use a color that starts with A (aqua), learn or use a technique that starts with A (applique), a recipe that starts with A (apple enchiladas), etc. Just incorporate A!

Right away, I knew just what “A” I wanted to do! I need an Apron of my very own. Would you believe that I don’t have one for every day use? All the cooking and baking I do, and I don’t have one. As a dear friend would say, “For SHAME Court! For shame.” (I have a beautiful one made by a dear friend for hosting parties and what not, but it’s too beautiful for every day use.)

I’m giving myself 2 weeks to make myself one so I’ll report back by 1/20. Now to chose a Pin! So many choices!

Care to join me in your own “A” challenge?

If you’d like to be part of the Pin Challenge Accepted board just let me know and I’ll add you. I won’t accept every challenge, but you never know!

Next up! Christmas Open House at The Table of Fort Plain


Next show! Hope to see you there!

My last show was such fun I’m doing another one.  This one is at The Table of Fort Plain (70 Canal St, Fort Plain, NY) from 11am to 5pm. I’m a lucky duck because I think my dear friend, inspiration buddy, and supporter, Sue is coming with me to keep me company that day.

I’ve received a couple of really sweet emails and inquires from people who purchased gifts at the last show and feel some good momentum going.

I’m incredibly thankful for the love and support from my family and close friends when it comes to my creative endeavors, but I can not tell you how nice it is to feel that your creative work is valued and appreciated by people who have no vested interest in you personally.

It’s awesome.

In other news, I’m working like a mad woman behind the scenes to get the shop open online and hope to have it ready to go this coming weekend so you can do some online Christmas shopping. I’m also taking special requests as there’s space in my schedule to manage them. I have some super cute things that I’ve worked on recently. (Photos to come soon.)

As always if there’s something you’d like, shoot me a photo or Pin and we’ll talk.

Thank you for your continued interest and support in my creative endeavors!

Let’s keep making the world a little prettier and cozier together.

Saturday morning command center

Today I have to finish up packing my craft room. A little overwhelming and a little sad, its funny what hits you hardest about change.

I’m getting emotional about this damn place now. Go figure.

Anyway! Here’s what I’m working on now.


Goodbye craft room, you've been good to me

Working on…

I’m working on a post of helpful hints when sewing that probably exists in no less than 153,295,369 places already on the internet, but I’ll have my thoughts which so very few people have.

In the mean time, I thought I’d share some of the latest work I’ve been doing:

currently unnamed

nanny bag


The Nanny Bag was a project with Sue and the Unnamed will have a name come the end of September. (Not me, but a dear friend.) This last one is just something I was playing with and think is adorable. I’m also making a dress and a couple of skirts that I’ll post photos of soon! They’re in various stages of being finished.

What are you working on these days?

Seam ripping, cutting and pinning – oh my!

I’ve spent the last two nights doing this


to parts of this


(That’s a pile of 50+ year old ties for a special project.)

It’s taking longer than I thought it would and they’re less even than I thought/hoped they’d be, but it’s an important project for Sunday so I’m not going to give up.

Currently, seams are ripped. Tomorrow is ironing and piecing…

Then there’s this


My purple fabric project is coming along, I cut the seams, pattern and pieces them pinned it together. Before I sew it together I have to decide if it’ll have a drawstring or not. Details.

So this isn’t the post I wanted to write tonight, but it’s where I am. Crafting time can’t always be predicted…especially with new projects you’re figuring out as you go.